Ayurvedic Nutrition For Wellbeing

  • $ 29
  • English | Hindi |

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The course launched under the collaboration of UnitusOneHealth Academy and the prestigious Maitreyi College will help you to learn about Ayurveda and Vedique Nutrition. The OneHealth Software will help you to plan personalised diet plans based on the specific body constitution. This course will make you industry ready and gives you the opportunity to work as a health coach,health content writer,social media influencer and also opens up the avenues to learn advanced courses conducted by Unitus OneHealth Academy.

100% Online Courses

Mode of classes-Flip mode - (*Recorded Sessions)Completion of the sessions 2 months from the date of enrollment by student and query session once a week


Certificate will be awarded in collabration of Unitus Academy and Maitreyi College
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Online (after the completion of the course)


30 Hours

Experience Level

UG/Graduate from any stream

Study material

Pre recorded sessions

Additional Book

No additional book


English - Hindi

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Technology Requirement
  • Laptop and high speed internet.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Anybody with a zeal for healthy nutrition.
  • Not for clinical practice.
What will you get?
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  • Upskilling opportunity
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  • Confidence to plan the nutrition for yourself and for your family
Introduction, overview of the course and the benefits of doing this course. A complete information about the learning objective and outcomes of the course and how it will make you industry ready. This chapter will make you understand the course content, mode, duration, modules and future prospects.
The modern and ayurvedic concept of human anatomy and physiology . Human Anatomy is a science that deals with studies of the structure of the human body. A session explaining about the human anatomy , various systems , organs associated with them, their functions and how to keep them healthy. Ayurvedic concept of human anatomy and the Saptadhatu which are the body tissues and how their balance and imbalance can lead to various diseases.
The components and functioning of nature are similar to the human body. Just as the universe is made of five elements - Prithvi, Jal, Vayu, Agni and Aakaash, the human body is also made of these Panch Tatva. In this module learn in what form they are present in the body , each bio energy with which each element is associated with and their role in forming the Prakriti of an individual at the time of conception.
The science of understanding our Prakriti and constitution is the science of Tridoshas. Tridoshas are the three fundamental bioenergies or principles which govern the functions of our body at mental, physical, physiological and emotional level. This module will explain to you about the constitution, properties, location and function of the three energies that are Vatta, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata is the subtle energy associated with movement — composed of space and air elements.In this module learn about the symptoms of the Prakriti of a Vatta dominating individual. The information about the symptoms of the imbalance and the diseases caused if this bioenergy is out of order
Pitta expresses the body’s metabolic system — made up of fire and water.In this module learn about the symptoms of the Prakriti of a Pitta dominating individual. The information about the symptoms of the imbalance and the diseases caused if this bioenergy is out of order in the body.
Kapha is the energy that forms the body’s structure and immunity — bones, muscles, tendons — and provides the “glue” that holds the cells together, formed from Earth and Water.In this module learn about the symptoms of the Prakriti of a Kapha dominating individual. The information about the symptoms of the imbalance and the diseases caused if this bioenergy is out of order in the body.
Tridoshas are the fundamental principles or energies that control all the mental,physical and emotional functions of the human body.Each body type has its own symptoms which is its basic constitution by birth and is called Prakriti. Prakriti analysis helps to understand the characteristics and health ailments of an individual and form the basis of diet, herbs and treatment to be advised. This module will help you to learn all the aspects of prakriti analysis
Metabolism in Ayurveda is the Jatharagni or the digestive strength of a human body.It is the component which brings about the transformation of consumed Ahaara vihaaradi dravyaas from incompatible origin to homogeneous form.In this manual learn about the different types and location of the Agni in the body and why is it important to keep them in a balanced state.
The Sapdhatus are the body tissues that are responsible for the various functions of the body. Aahaar Ras is the nutrient rich fluid formed after the digestion and metabolism of food. Malas are the bodily waste that should be excreted out of the body.This module will help you to understand the concept of dhatus and malas.
The primary characteristic of an Ayurvedic diet is that it is a personalised diet for each individual based on their dominating bioenergy or the Prakriti.In this module you will get a deep insight into the vedic nutrition based on tastes and food choices that make a balanced diet for a Vatta Prakriti individual.
The primary characteristic of an Ayurvedic diet is that it is a personalised diet for each individual based on their dominating bioenergy or the Prakriti.In this module you will get a deep insight into the vedic nutrition based on tastes and food choices that make a balanced diet for a Pitta Prakriti individual.
The primary characteristic of an Ayurvedic diet is that it is a personalised diet for each individual based on their dominating bioenergy or the Prakriti.In this module you will get a deep insight into the vedic nutrition based on tastes and food choices that make a balanced diet for a Kapha Prakriti individual.
Learn about the One Health Software and how to use it for planning diets and doing prakriti analysis.
Learn effective and personalised diet planning in the software.
Dincharya means the daily routine to be followed to maintain the balance of doshas, regularise the biological clock,aid in digestion and generate discipline. This module illustrates in detail a specific daily regimen that should be practised according to Ayurveda.
Ritucharya means the daily routine to be followed according to the change in seasons.This module will teach you about the lifestyle and diet routine to be followed to cope up with the mental and physical impact of seasonal changes.
Learn about the healthy herbal formulations from the Vedique by Dr Shikha Sharma and their uses. Also get knowledge of the kitchen herbs, their indications and how to use them in daily regimen.
Dr Shikha Sharma

Dr Shikha Nehru Sharma

Dr Shikha Sharma, a TEDx speaker is a well-known name in the preventive healthcare sector is a medical doctor by training from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. She had a weekly column for 11 years in The National Newspaper, HT BRUNCH. She is the Ex-Board member - Delhi University Colleges. She regularly appears on television and is quoted by leading newspapers. She has delivered lectures to the students of top engineering and management colleges like IIT Bombay, IIT Rookie, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Patna, NDIM, IMI Delhi, etc.
Dr Shikha Sharma

Doctor of Nutriwel Health India

Qualified and experienced BAMS Ayurveda Doctors with a rich experience of over 12 years in clinical practice. Experts in managing health conditions through natural plant based herbs and nutrition.
Dr Shikha Sharma

Nutritionist of Nutriwel Health India

Trainers are Post graduates in Food & Nutrition with a rich experience of over 10 years in clinical practice. Directly counseling the clients and delivering results for weight management and medical issues have helped them bring insights which are difficult to find in a single book.
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